Resep dan Cara Membuat Bubur Manggul Khas Madura

Resep dan Cara Membuat Bubur Manggul Khas Madura.

Jenang manggul bubur tradisional asal Madura, Jawa Timur ini bolehlah dicoba. Adonan mirip bubur sumsum yang lembut ini makin enak dipadu dengan topping gurih di atasnya.

Serundeng kelapa dan sambal goreng udang jadi topping wajib hidangan ini.

Tidak seperti serundeng yang bercitarasa gurih manis, serundeng dalam sajian ini justru gurih dengan sensasi pedas yang berasal dari sambal goreng. Makin segar diberi tambahan lalapan kemangi.

Bubur manggul asal Madura, JATIM ini memiliki penampilan yang sederhana namun lezat di mulut. Dinamakan dengan 'Manggul' konon katanya para penjual bubur dahulu menggunakan gerobak yang dipanggul.

Berbeda dengan bubur nasi yang dibuat dari beras, bubur manggul terbuat dari tepung beras.

Cara buatnya gampang, tepung beras yang dicampurkan dengan santan, daun salam dan garam dimasak hingga agak kental. Beberapa orang juga sering menambahkan bumbu dan rempah-rempah bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai merah, kunyit, lengkuas, kencur, ketumbar, kemiri dan daun jeruk.

Tips untuk menghindari penggumpalan, Anda disarankan untuk melarutkan tepung dengan sedikit santan hangat sambil diaduk rata. Dan masak campuran tepung dan santan dengan sisa santan dalam panci aduk hingga matang dan mengental.

What is natural stone slate?  As with marble, slate is a metamorphic rock type. Slate comes from shale or mudstone sedimentary rocks that undergo metamorphosis and form foliated rocks with the finest grains.  The foliation on the slate rock is very noticeable, making the slate appear to be composed of sheets. Using a special tool, cutting the slate will separate the layers so that they can be used for roofing and floor and wall coatings.  Slate color   Slate has a distinctive color that can be used as one of the main points to identify the rock.  Similar to other rocks, the color differences that appear in these rocks are also greatly influenced by the mineral content in the place where these rocks are located.  The colors that appear are often gray, black and green. But sometimes there are other colors like red and purple which are influenced by the iron content contained in them.  Composition and process of forming slate  Basically, slate is formed from shale minerals or mudstone which is a sedimentary rock. Minerals contained from these rocks will be able to turn into other minerals due to increased temperature and pressure.  Apart from that, slate also contains other minerals including quartz minerals such as feldspar, calcite, pyrite, hematite and others. The slate may also contain iron and organic substances which may affect the color of the rock.  Slate is formed in a tectonic environment that has a lot of sedimentary rock. These rocks will be affected by the horizontal movement of heat and pressure that changes the minerals in them.  This continuous pressure and heat also produces foliations or sheets that cut through the initial sedimentary rock layers. Changes in minerals and structures due to heat pressure make slate a metamorphic rock category.  It should be noted that slate is a metamorphic rock of low degree, which means it is not caused by super high heat and pressure like other metamorphic rocks.  This causes the foliation layer on the slate to also tend to be less complicated and layered with other metamorphic rocks.  This also makes slate not as strong as other metamorphic rocks. In addition, it is not uncommon for fossils or organic content to be included in the rock structure because it is in a hot, less devastating environment.   Slate has a low degree of metamorphism where the pressure and heat in the process are not as high as in other metamorphic rock formation processes.  This has something to do with the foliation of the rock. Foliation itself is the layers that are formed under the influence of pressure during the metamorphosis process.  Metamorphic rock has foliation or layers in its structure. If this stone is cleaved using certain techniques or technology, the slate can become thinner sheets.  Generally the sheets on the slate are thick enough so that these sheets are used for various needs, including for roofs.
Resep dan Cara Membuat Bubur Manggul Khas Madura

Di Madura, bubur ini sering dinikmati saat sarapan pagi dan banyak ditemukan di sekitar pasar tradisional ataupun warung-warung yang buka pagi hari. Berikut kumpulan rahasia aneka kreasi dan variasi olahan resepi bubur manggul ala Madura sajian sedap istimewa lengkap dengan cara bikin sendiri di rumah ala rumahan (Homemade) step by step anti gagal yang simple, mudah dan praktis untuk konsumsi sendiri maupun untuk jualan ide usaha bisnis kedai bubur, warung bubur, rumah makan, maupun restoran ala cafe restu untuk sarapan pagi.

Resep dan Cara Membuat Bubur Manggul Khas Madura

  • 250 gram beras
  • 2 liter air
  • 2 lembar daun salam
  • 1 sdm garam
  • 3 sdm bawang goreng
  • 5 tangkai kemangi, petik daunnya
  • 500 gram udang segar ukuran sedang, kupas
  • 15 butir telur puyuh, rebus, kupas
  • 5 sdm kelapa parut, sangrai, haluskan
  • 4 buah cabai merah besar, buang bijinya, iris tipis
  • 750 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa
  • 3 sdm minyak untuk menumis
  • 6 butir bawang merah
  • 5 siung bawang putih
  • 4 buah cabai merah keriting
  • 1/2 sdt terasi bakar
  • 3 cm lengkuas muda
  • 1 sdt ketumbar, sangrai
  • 1 sdm garam
  • 1/2 kaldu bubuk
  1. Cara Membuat Bubur Manggul : Masak beras bersama air, daun salam dan garam hingga menjadi bubur. Angkat. Sisihkan.
  2. Cara Membuat Kuah : tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan hingga matang. Masukkan udang, aduk hingga berubah warna. Masukkan telur puyuh rebus, kelapa sangrai dan cabai. Aduk rata, tuangkan santan, masak sampai santan agak berminyak. Angkat sisihkan.
  3. Tuangkan bubur secukupnya kedalam mangkuk. Siram dengan kuah udang, lalu taburi dengan bawang goreng dan daun kemangi.
  4. Sajikan dalam keadaan hangat lengkap dengan kerupuk.